Why did I get into STEAM education?

Maths and physics are usually presented to the students the way the front stage is presented to the auditorium: what´s going on in the back is hidden. You are supposed to be smart enough to guess it, even though the men who developed those abstractions built them by placing one brick of concrete over the other.

Telice´s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

This post is an adaptation of part of a piece under the title “LECCIONES APRENDIDAS DE UNA DECADA LIDERANDO DOS PROYECTOS DE EMPRENDIMIENTO DIGITAL EN EL BIERZO Y LEON” that was originally published in the journal from the Ministry of Industry, Economy and Tourism “Economía Industrial 417: Emprendimiento Digital”  When Atom met Bitsy – ViaContinue reading “Telice´s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility”